Sunday, August 29, 2010

Candid Candid Camera

Do you remember the T.V. show from the sixties called "Candid Camera"? It was a show that caught people off guard in funny situations with a hidden camera. It was 1978 and my husband and I invited our Church bible study to our house to watch cable T.V. We were the first couple around to have to have cable T.V. access. I looked through the T.V. guide to see what we should all watch. When I saw Candid, Candid Camera I figured it was a "typo". The scene we watched was about a sky-scraper window washer......apparently a NAKED sky-scrapper window washer (early cable T.V. wasn't censored). At the first sight of a nude body on my T.V. in front of my "church friends" I literally leaped, and belly flopped across the coffee table in time to change the channel. So I guess it wasn't a typo after all. It really was "Candid, Candid Camera". Welcome to early cable T.V.

Open Latte~

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