Sunday, August 1, 2010


I had a job at a local healthclub located in a wealthy was my turn to close the cash I was counting the coins in the register a fellow employee asked me to come over to one of the tables where he was having a heated conversation with a member.....they were interested in my opinion ........

Employee: "this member disagrees with me"....... "I think that the members around here don't like change.....what do you think"......

Me: "Wow......really?.....they don't like change"? "Must be nice to be so rich"......

Employee and member: What ?

Me: "Change......change.........must be nice to only value paper currency......... !"

Employee and member (howling with laughter): We mean that they don't like THINGS in life to change !" "Things like the aerobic schedule "!

..........Open Latte..........

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