Thursday, August 12, 2010

Song Lyrics

I was listening to an Oldies station in my car .... an old Paul McCartney and Wings song started to play (I think this song was a 007 theme song). The lyrics were "when you were young and your life was an open book, you used to say live and let know you did, you know you did, you know you did"....... then later in the song comes the well known refrain....."live and let die". So for years, I never connected the first part of the song....that you're young and you're tolerant.... ie: "live and let live") to the second part of the song about getting older, and having lived through say "LIVE AND LET DIE." So, ok, the songwriter here has a definite opinion......young and tolerant........old and dangerously cranky. I have heard this song a zillion times.....and finally, I just now got it...."Open Latte".

....This makes me wonder what else I have heard again and again....and still haven't gotten yet........I am thinking about those wedding vows.......did the reverend say that I am supposed to "obey" or use "Oil of Olay"?

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