Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Make-over for Snakes

I like to walk over a certain walking bridge over the Chattahoochee River....there is an area there where turtles crawl up branches sticking out of the river to get some sun....for reptiles, I have to admit, they are kinda cute. That made me think about snakes.....nothing cute about snakes.....kinda unfair......what would it take to make snakes cute ? EYELASHES ! Yes, snakes just need an ez fashion makeover......I just need to find a movie star, like Paris Hilton or Lyndsay Lohan, to adopt the cause..... We could call it "Snakes are People, too." Imagine little zoologists dressed in khaki's and pithe helmets crawling around the woods and jungles of the world glueing fake eyelashes on to all the world's snakes...... But, you know what, since that would be too huge an undertaking, what would be do-able is for everyone who walks around in the jungle or woods to wear a pair of glasses that already has a pair of eyelashes painted on it....so that when you look at a snake (hey, it would work a bear, too) you'd just tilt your head at the right angle to get the eyelashes over the eyes of the snake or fierce, unattractive and unfashionable creature.....eh, voila, ez fashion make-over causing huge warm fuzzies for everyone involved.

I was actually just sitting at the kitchen table a few minutes ago telling one of my sons about my "Paris Hilton-esque idea" but we changed subjects to his upcoming four day hike. I asked him if he had bought a snake bite kit as I had asked him to do.....he said "NO, the camping store was out of them".....so, I said, "well, we'll go to another store and buy one....cause you have to have one before you go on that hike"....... you know what he said..........."don't worry mom, if I see a snake, I'll just put a pair of eyelashes on it.........OPEN LATTE !

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